
Manual WordPress Installation via cPanel Print

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Manual WordPress Installation via cPanel


Manually installing WordPress gives you more control over the setup process. Follow these steps to install WordPress manually using cPanel.


Step 1: Download WordPress

1.Go to the official website:

2.Click Download WordPress to get the latest version in a .zip file.


Step 2: Upload WordPress Files to cPanel

1. Log into cPanel

•Open your web browser and visit

• Enter your cPanel username and password, then click Log in.

2. Open File Manager

•Locate File Manager under the Files section.

•Navigate to the public_html folder (this is the root directory of your website).

3. Upload the WordPress Zip File

•Click the Upload button.

•Select the file you downloaded earlier.

•Once uploaded, go back to File Manager and refresh.

4. Extract the WordPress Files

•Right-click on the file and select Extract.

•Open the extracted wordpress folder and move all files to public_html.

•Delete the empty wordpress folder and the .zip file to keep things clean.


Step 3: Create a MySQL Database

1. Go to MySQL Databases in cPanel

•Scroll down to the Databases section.

• Click MySQL Databases.

2. Create a New Database

•Enter a name for your database (e.g., wp_database).

•Click Create Database and note down the name.

3. Create a Database User

•Scroll down to MySQL Users.

•Add a new username and password.

• Click Create User.

4. Assign the User to the Database

• Scroll down to Add User to Database.

•Select the User and Database you just created.

•Click Add, then Check All Privileges, and save.


Step 4: Configure WordPress

1. Go to Your Website

•Open a browser and go to

• You will see the WordPress setup wizard.

2. Select a Language

•Choose your preferred language and click Continue.

3. Enter Database Details

Database Name: Enter the name you created in cPanel.

Username: Enter the database username.

Password: Enter the database password.

Database Host: Leave as localhost.

• Click Submit and then Run the Installation.

4. Create Admin Account

Site Title: Enter your website name.

Username: Choose a secure admin username.

Password: Set a strong password.

Email: Enter your email address.

• Click Install WordPress.


Step 5: Log into WordPress

•Once the installation is complete, go to:

• Enter your admin username and password, then click Log In.

Final Steps


✅ Install a theme under Appearance > Themes

✅ Install essential plugins like SEO, security, and caching

✅ Configure your site settings


Congratulations! ???? You have successfully installed WordPress manually via cPanel. ????

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