
How to Install WordPress Using Softaculous Print

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Softaculous is an easy-to-use tool that allows you to install WordPress in just a few clicks. Follow this step-by-step guide to set up WordPress on your hosting account.


Step 1: Log into cPanel

1.Open your web browser and go to your cPanel URL (usually

2. Enter your cPanel username and password.

3.Click Log in.


Step 2: Open Softaculous Apps Installer

1.In the cPanel dashboard, scroll down to the Software section.

2. Click on Softaculous Apps Installer.

3.Select WordPress from the list of available applications.


Step 3: Start the Installation Process

1.Click the Install Now button under the WordPress logo.

2. Choose your installation URL:

•If WordPress should be installed in the root domain, select

•If you want it in a subdirectory, enter a folder name (e.g.,


Step 4: Configure Site Settings

1.Site Name: Enter your website name (e.g., “My WordPress Site”).

2.Site Description: Enter a short tagline (optional).

3.Admin Username: Change the default username (avoid using “admin” for security reasons).

4.Admin Password: Set a strong password.

5.Admin Email: Enter your valid email address for password recovery.


Step 5: Choose Plugins & Advanced Options

•You can choose to install optional plugins like Limit Login Attempts for added security.

•Click on Advanced Options to customize database names, table prefixes, and backup frequency (optional).


Step 6: Install WordPress

1.Click the Install button and wait for the process to complete.

2.Once finished, you’ll see a success message with your WordPress admin login URL.


Step 7: Log into WordPress

1. Go to

2. Enter your admin username and password.

3.Click Log In to access your WordPress dashboard.


Final Steps

•Choose a theme from Appearance > Themes.

• Install essential plugins like Yoast SEO, WPForms, and Wordfence Security.

•Customize your website by adding pages and posts.


Now your WordPress site is ready! ????????

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